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изменения в налоговой системе

Добавлено: Пн май 17, 2010 8:21 pm
Случайно наткнулся на страничку http://www.news.totallyexpat.com/south- ... -for-2010/
Там, в частности, привлекла внимание статья (цитирую):

6. Decrease in Tax Exemption for Qualified Foreign Engineers (STTCL, Article 18)
Employment income received by certain qualified foreign engineers working in South Korea used to be fully exempt from individual income tax for five years. The revised tax law limits the tax exemption to 50 percent of the tax liability on income received for the first two years from the initial date of employment. Additionally, the existing sunset clause applicable to the employment service commencement date for purposes of this provision was extended to 31 December 2011 (i.e., to be eligible for the two-year exemption, the employment service should start on or before this date).
However, due to a grandfather rule, the existing five-year exemption will remain effective where the qualified exemption started on or before 31 December 2009.

Вопрос знатокам. Означает ли сие, что теоретицки можно не нервничать до конца 2011 г., если, например, моя "льготная" пятилетка истекает весной 2011 (правда, нынешней осенью будет пересменка - продлят, не продлят...)? Подскажите, плииз, чтой-то не въезжаю. Спасибо заранее.