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Ищу работу торгового представителя в Корее или переводчика

Добавлено: Пн авг 23, 2004 1:35 pm
E-mail: juliakim209@hotmail.com
Mobile phone: 018-215-8489

Name: Julia Kim ( 김 은혜)
Birth: September 2, 1978

Educational Background
1985 - 1993 Sakhalin Elementary-Middle School: 1th-8th grade (Sakhalin, Russia)
1993 - 1995 Pushkin Elite High School: 8th-11th grade (Sakhalin, Russia)
1995 - 1999 Sakhalin National University, Linguistics and Education (BA)
1999 - 2000 Sakhalin National University, Linguistics and Education (MA)
2000 - 2001 Kyunhee University Language School (Seoul, Korea)

9.2001- present Seoul National University
Graduate Institute for International & Area Studies
International Cooperation Major

Rewards & Training Programs

'95-'00 Scholarship from the Sakhalin National University
2000 Honors Graduate of Sakhalin National University
Head of Class '95 (Language Education Major)
'95-'00 Social Work Volunteer (hospitals, group counseling, mission trips, etc.)
'00 Scholarships from Korean Government in the Graduate School of Int'l & Area Studies
'98 The 3d place in Writing Contest in Moscow, organized by the Korean Embassy

Work Experience

1995 - 2000 Korean Newspaper "Sae Kore Sinmun"
In Charge Of: observing the life of Russian Koreans
1999 - 2000 "Asiana Airlines", Sakhalin Branch
In Charge Of: counseling, interpreter of negotiations, sales.

Other Experience

interpreter (Russian↔Korean) for various conferences, business meetings, lectures, etc.
interpreter (English↔Korean) for a furniture importing company in Korea
Short-term Christian mission to the North of Sakhalin (every summer)
English teaching in language institutes,etc.
Tourist guiding in Seoul and Russia


Linguistic Abilities 1) Russian- fluent 2) Korean - good
3) English - good 4) French - poor

Work Skills

leadership ability & communication skills
pretty competent in (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
highly adaptive to new environment and new relations
creative in writing

Field of Special Knowledge
counseling: case work, group work, community development
international relations: international law, international political economy
political & economic issues Asia-Pacific
environment policy & law, international trade law
international organizations, international business relations
international conflict management